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Bill O'Reilly's Top Story included two guests, Defense Attorney John Patrick Dolan and "investigative journalist" Pat Lalama. O'Reilly and Lalama were in agreement that Hilton got preferential treatment in being relocated, but Dolan insisted that her sentence was disproportionately harsh in the first place because of her fame. It was a typically unbalanced O'Reilly segment, with him overtalking and arguing with the attorney and giving the guest with whom he agreed the last word.. Used to have a rule, for many years, that green and blue never touched. There was always white separating them. We kind of gone away wholesale jerseys from that now. Course, it significant to us, new WNBA President Lisa Borders said. Am delighted we have picked up on these beautiful colors that add depth and context and contour to our teams. WNBA becomes one of the first American pro leagues to have no white jerseys. Each and every element of the uniform is important and serves an un...